From World-Ranked Athlete to 70-Year-Old Skiing Success: Robin Rhodes' Remarkable Recovery Story
1979 was a big year for the state of Utah. The basketball team The New Orleans Jazz migrated northwest to Salt Lake City and the snowfall was above average. Life was good. This same year was a key milestone for skier and future longtime Nutriex customer Robin Rhodes. A friend of hers dragged Robin out to Park City for a ski trip. They made the drive from Lake Tahoe and went straight to the slopes. Robin was instantly in love with the world-famous Utah powder before her first run was over. The snow was magnificent throughout the trip. Robin skied hard everyday and the smile never left her face during the trip. Before returning to Tahoe Robin knew she would move to Park City permanently. This journey in 1979 would set the stage of Robin’s life.Â
Building a Legacy: Raising Champion Skiers in Park City's Mountains
Sure enough, a year later Robin moved to Park City and has lived there since. Robin wasted no time and enjoyed every second of living in the idyllic mountain town and was soon enough chasing two kiddos around the snow covered peaks in northern Utah. She raised her two children below the Park City ski runs eventually leading both to be nationally ranked skiers.

International Success: Robin's Journey as a Top Ride & Tie Athlete
Robin doesn’t take her health for granted. Dating back to the 1980s she has been a perennial competitor in various sports. She’s competed in many trail marathons, bike races, and was even an internationally ranked Ride & Tie athlete. –Ride & Tie is a sport that has faded in popularity –however, it is a team race consisting of a horse –or donkey– rider, and a runner. Each two person team takes turns running, and riding at their own discretion. Robin’s specialty was uphill running. Robin would ride their horse on the downhill sections and then switch her partner in order to tear up the inclines. She and her partner were ranked as high as fifth in the world at one point.– Robin still enjoys moving her body through the mountains. However, her body has taken a beating over time.Â
Overcoming Injury: From Athletic Depression to Hope Through Dr. Rosenberg
Over the years she’s encountered her fair share of injuries while pursuing various sports. By 2015, Robin could hardly run or ski. Her knees were shredded and she needed help. This left her feeling dejected and depressed. By 2015, she assumed her days of athletics were over. A key part of her seemed to be lost forever due to her extensive injuries. However, she found hope in the form of advice from a friend: A neighbor of hers recommended that she consult with Dr. Rosenberg. She learned of his world renown, especially regarding knees. Any hope was better than her despair and she decided to give Dr. Rosenberg a shot.Â
Recovery Success: How Nutriex Sport Helped Robin Return to the Slopes
Taking her friend’s advice, she obtained a consultation with Dr. Rosenberg and left his office extremely impressed. Robin decided to get a full knee replacement done that year through Dr. Rosenberg’s office. (She got the other one done in 2022.) To aid her recovery from the operation, Dr. Rosenberg recommended that she begin taking Nutriex Sport. Robin, always a skeptic of supplements, was a little unsure at first. However, after some research and reassurance from the medical team, Robin began a regimen of the supplements. Within the first six weeks Robin noticed increased energy levels and notable improvement in her knees. After a laborious period of rehab and receiving medical clearance Robin got back to the slopes. On her first run back she skied with her children and her eyes welled up with tears. In her darkest moments she had assumed that these pursuits of connection and joy were over. To be back on the slopes with her kids was a tremendous delight. In order to continue her ability to pursue her time in the mountains, Robin takes Nutriex Sport to this day, in addition to Brain Health.Â

Skiing at 70: Robin's Continued Athletic Success with Her Family
Injuries and age have diminished Robin’s ability to run and to compete in the highest levels. However, thanks to surgeries, Nutriex Sport, and great recovery work afterwards, Robin is still a very skilled skier. She finds fulfillment in her mountain setting and in chasing her two kids around the slopes. At 70 years old, Robin still keeps up with her grown children –an impressive feat considering their skill! She still loves being able to pursue mountain time in Park City.