downhill skier on snow turning around a flag.

From Olympic Hopeful to Everyday Champion: Nesrin's Journey with Nutriex

It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words. Nesrin knows this well. At 10 years old, she saw a picture in a magazine that would draw her to San Francisco, and set the path for the rest of her life. The picture? A dramatic landscape shot of the Golden Gate Bridge. The rugged seaside cliffs of majestic mountains framed the famous landmark. The ocean ripped beneath the bridge. That infamous fog shrouded columns under the bridge. In the foreground was something that made little Nesrin gasp. People were windsurfing on this turbulent water, in front of this marvelous backdrop. Nesrin felt drawn. She knew that she would one day windsurf under the bridge like the people from this impactful photo.

nesrin on a windsail in the ocean

How far would you go to pursue a passion? For Nesrin Lueck, the literal answer to this question was 7,000 miles. That’s the distance between her home country of Turkey, and the American city of San Francisco.

Nesrin recalled, “For me, being on the water – being on the wave, being with the wind – was the passion.” 

Nesrin Lueck is an athlete. She’s a former Olympic-level windsurfer. In both middle and high school she played basketball, and did high jump in track and field. (At only 5’3” this was quite a feat!) but in 2003, she broke her ankle snowboarding. This grueling injury didn’t heal. She continued to have issues. Her solution, unfortunately, was to artificially cast, and thus, over-support the ankle with a brace. She’d hoped that immobility would heal the issue. On the contrary, the condition of her ankle weakened, and then deteriorated. Worse, her windsurfing, and other physical activities took a toll on her leg. This meant more time recovering between activities, and far less time exercising than she was accustomed to. Ultimately, this ankle break represented a slow decline in health, and in quality of life. After two years of consistent issues, she went snowboarding with a friend that happened to be a physical therapist. Concerned for her well-being, he made three quick recommendations:

  1. remove the ankle brace
  2. begin active physical therapy
  3. commence a regimen of Nutriex Sport!

This is where Nesrin’s successful journey with Nutriex began. Removing the brace allowed her ankle to become more mobile, and then become strong. Vitally, the Nutriex added a protection Nesrin could feel. Over time, Nesrin was able to regain control of her physical fitness and the quality of her life. Her ankle is strong to this day, and she has continued using Nutriex ever since getting back on it. In addition to Nutriex Sport, she and her family utilize Nutriex protein powder daily in their smoothies. They also use Nutriex’s fish oil, which helps subside the aches and pains that began to occur with aging.


nesrin with family mountain biking on a trail in the woods

For Nesrin, being in the moment is critical. She learned this on her journey as an Olympic- level windsurfer. She competed at the 1999 Turkish national finals in windsurfing. She placed 3rd, and eventually was asked to be on the 2004 Turkish Olympic team. Based on that picture she saw at 10 years old, she knew that her path lay in a different direction. Besides, Olympics windsurfing is only one specific variety of the sport. Nesrin’s purpose lay in journeying to the United States, and pursuing family, education, work, and windsurfing on her own. Amazingly, she declined the offer to compete in the Olympics. She moved to the United States, and found everything she was looking for, and more. 

Today, she, her husband, and their two children pursue athletics by way of rock climbing, hiking, fitness classes, and even some windsurfing.

paddle boarding on a lake with family

Based out of San Francisco, Nesrin works in banking. In addition to all of this, she is a volunteer teacher with the local YMCA gym, through which she instructs bootcamp classes. This is where she met her husband! (Bootcamp is a form of exercise in which participants utilize their own body weight as resistance, as opposed to weights, bands, or other formal equipment.) Nesrin is a CSCS certified strength training coach, and also has a background in nutrition. In what little free time she may have, she is an active blogger. She enjoys writing as an effort to inspire others, and share her wonderful journey. 

At 10 years old, Nesrin saw a picture in a magazine that would draw her to this mysterious spot in San Francisco and set the path for the rest of her life. She attributes Nutriex products to helping her accomplish and maintain the lifestyle that she dreamt of. 

You can follow Nesrin’s journey on her blog:


Story written by: Tyler Marshall

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