From Mechanic to Farmer: A Story of Perseverance and Recovery
Early Years and Career Path
Jaimy Wadsworth has been a mechanic for many years. He started his career working for GM, fixing cars at auto dealerships. Later, he became a heavy mechanic with a focus on diesel engines, and other large pieces of equipment. Eventually, seeking a quieter life for his three children, he moved to Eastern Utah, where he still lives and in his spare time he runs the family farm. However, life hasn't all been fun and games: Jaimy has spent decades working hard.
Jaimy is a meat-and-potatoes kind of guy. He grew up in Green River, Wyoming and spent his childhood hunting, fishing, and hiking. He and his brothers came of age exploring Flaming Gorge, and the Wyoming and Uintah mountain ranges. This type of growing up prepared Jaimy for a life of gritty work. He's been a mechanic and farmer for many years. Over time, his work (and some surgeries) took a harsh toll on Jaimy's body. Only one thing has offered him extensive long term relief and enabled him to continue his work.
The Family Farm
Jaimy's farm started as a way to help his three children pursue a passion they discovered at their 4H club in school. It's also been a way for him to teach his children, and a way for him to keep busy. At different times Jaimy and his family have raised Draft Cross horses (blondies), pigs, dairy goats, Belgian Draft horses, and Scottish Highlander cows. Jaimy loves that the farm serves as a way to teach his children the value of hard work. While the farm has provided so much good to his family, it also nearly took away Jaimy's physical mobility during a life changing accident.
The Life-Changing Accident
On a cool fall morning in 2015, Jaimy was chopping wood in the mountains for his parents. Suddenly, a near disaster struck. His footing shifted under him and his body swung over his knee causing significant damage. Due to previous untreated knee injuries throughout Jaimy's life the hyperextension went on to have a great impact on his mobility. True to form, Jaimy's attitude toward his knee at this time was a "grin and bear it" attitude. He tried to continue the manual labor he had spent his life doing. Jaimy's admirable perseverance led to great pain. Over time, it led to a diminishing ability to get all of his work done around the farm. Jaimy spent years just working through pain. This damaged his knee and led to other overcompensation problems.

The Path to Recovery and New Chapter
After seeing Jaimy's condition up close his brothers recommended that he see Dr. Rosenberg. Fortunately, Jaimy heeded their advice. Dr. Rosenberg recommended knee surgery and a regimen of Nutriex Sport. Leading into his scheduled surgery in 2016, Jaimy took the supplements religiously. Within weeks felt fully healed. His knee no longer hurt, and he also felt extensive relief in his elbows, hands, and fingers. Jaimy was amazed. In spite of his drastic improvement he still had severe damage in his knee. Jaimy heeded Dr. Rosenberg's recommendation to follow through with surgery. During Jaimy's recovery, he stayed on his regimen of Nutriex Sport and credits his speedy recovery to the supplement. Before long, Jaimy was back at work on his farm. Amazingly, he felt like a younger version of himself.
Through Nutriex, Jaimy was able to resume the level of work he'd been able to as a younger man. To this day, Jaimy is still hard at work as both a mechanic and a farmer. He plans to continue both for another five years. While the work flows on without stopping, Nutriex has prolonged Jaimy's ability to not only keep up, but excel.